Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On "just looking"....

Ok, so I'm not one of those high pressure sales people. However, I love people and I really like lending my expertise (or giving my opinion, whatever you want to call it). Granted, I just work in a retail store, but I really do like my job. I like checking out the new inventory when it comes in, I like the training the higher-ups give us about the products and vendors, and I work for a company I believe in.

Yes, I do have a goal (aka quota) to meet in order to keep my job. I'm ok, with that...usually I do just fine. As a matter of fact, I think all people in service jobs should work on commission. Can you imagine the difference if the people at fast food restaurants or Wal-Mart worked on commission? How they would go out of their way to make sure you were taken care of? It would be a whole different ball game right?

Here's my issue.. a customer walks through the door and I smile and say, "Hello! Welcome to ________. What can I help you find today?" The answer is, "I'm just looking!!" Sometimes when the weather's bad or the Cardinals just won I might say, "Hi, how about this weather?" or "How about those Cards?" Those customers still just say, "I'm just looking!" What? C'mon! You totally have a phobia of salespeople if you are so strong that you have to say "I'm just looking!" to whatever question the salesperson asks.

Now I know we have a bad reputation for being pushy and I hate that myself, but we're not all like that. Give us a chance!! Some of us are really nice people, have a lot of knowledge, will give you great customer service, and aren't pushy at all!

I don't mind if a customer says, "Hey, I'm just going to look around and I'll come get you if I need some help." Completely respectable! I'll stay available for you. I certainly appreciate honesty and that you don't want some salesperson following you around the store. Just stop saying, "just looking" if you're seriously considering a purchase.

I'm not asking that people automatically trust salespeople....just give us a chance! We're trying to make a living like the next American!

Feel free to leave me any comments about your experiences with salespeople whether good or bad.

Thanks for listening...
